How to Code ReviewFri Jul 22 2022

Reviewing code is the last line of defense before it enters production. I've had my code reviewed and been reviewing code for years now and while both have improved I've never formally documented my steps. This will serve both as a guide of what to review as well as things that have been reviewed in my code. The most embarrassing mistake is to be reviewed on the same thing in multiple pull requests.

I've written a guide for Code Review Interviews which details the terminology and steps of a code review. This document provides the concepts to review on.

General Concepts

  • [ ] Earlier fails and assertions should be logged
  • [ ] Public variables that are only used in sets should be set to private and the client should call a public configuration function (aka setter)
  • [ ] Remove empty functions or functions that only call their super
  • [ ] Variable names should reflect their value as simply as possible
  • [ ] Only change files that are intended to be changed
  • [ ] Constant variables should be capitalized
  • [ ] Ensure new code is called
  • [ ] String manipulation is brittle, regex simplifies it
  • [ ] No commented out code -> remove it

iOS Specific Concepts

  • [ ] TableView datasources should only be set after init() and after registering cells to avoid crashes
  • [ ] Autolayout constraints can often be simplified
  • [ ] The name for Views or ViewControllers file and class should end with View or ViewController
  • [ ] Delegate functions are written in the format of viewControllerDidRequestCreate
  • [ ] For constant values in a list, use private enum
  • [ ] Use weak references to avoid retention cycles
  • [ ] Underlying asset names should reflex the public asset name
  • [ ] Files shouldn't receive an argument only to be used in a delegate call
  • [ ] Ensure optional casting (coordinatorDidComplete) cast to expected class
  • [ ] No network requests in ViewController.init or Views
  • [ ] Array append triggers a didSet()
  • [ ] Dequeue all UITableView cells
  • [ ] viewDidLayoutSubviews() is called often
  • [ ] Network requests in services or coordinators

Web Development Concepts

  • [ ] Use a QueryBuilder when possible when updating the database
  • [ ] Scripts with large datasets should have safeguards like sleeps to ensure the database/server don't get whacked
  • [ ] All async functions are called with await
  • [ ] Use const variables whenever possible
  • [ ] let is code smell, there is enough functional constructs to avoid let
  • [ ] Use absolute path for imports
  • [ ] Group network requests in single queries


  • [ ] Schema fields need to be resolved
  • [ ] Avoid referencing object ID when the entire object can be passed
  • [ ] Entity variable that are nullable should also be of type T | null